Saturday, January 14, 2012

10 Ways To Speed Up Torrent Downloads

Your ISP is where it startsCheck the maximum download and upload speeds allowed by your ISP. Most ISP’s have specific bandwidths for both uploads and downloads. Obviously your torrent download speed won’t cross the cap set by the ISP. Go over to this article on forbroadband speed test and this one by Tina on ways to increase your connection speed. There are many other bandwidth testers like DSLReports which is included in the speed test within uTorrent.Choosing the right BitTorrent clientUse the better clients out there like uTorrent, Vuze or the BitTorrent client itself.Wikipedia lists about 51 of them supporting the BitTorrent protocol. The choice of client used should always be updated to the latest version. The screenshots here depict uTorrent. The settings should be similarly

Download Any Torrent File With IDM (Fully Solved)

follow Easy Steps:

1. First of all , you have to download the torrent file(.torrent) which you want to download.

2. Then just go to the website and upload the torrent file that you have just downloaded and click on the cache! button.

3. This will give you a new torrent file. You just have to

Team Viewer - Guide for unlimited use..!


1. First close teamviewer, if it is running (u must close 2 running applications from task manager. hit ctrl+alt+del and close "teamviewer.exe" & "teamviewer_servise.exe"

Log in to your computer without Password !!

When the logon Screen comes then Press Ctrl+alt+Del.Then a dialouge box will appear.

Now next up u have to write "ADMINISTRATOR" in the account name tab & then press enter.

You can apply this when you logoff also.

Aur agar kisine admin a/c ko password diya ho to karoge??????

**Here is a simple way to access Windows XP with Administrator rights and privileges if you have

Blue Screen Problem

Windows Restarts Continuously with Blue Screen
When you start Windows, your computer may briefly display the blue startup screen and then continuously restart.
Windows may encounter a problem during startup that results in a STOP error message. Depending on the system configuration, the blue screen may not be displayed long enough to record the error information. Using the workarounds listed above, you can alter the

101 Great Sites

Here is a list of 101 websites , these are most useful but lesser known websites on the internet.
01. – record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube.
02. – for capturing full length screenshots of web pages.
03. – shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes.
04. – find the original URLs that’s hiding behind a short URLs.
05. – know more than just the local time of a city
06. – copy-paste special characters that aren’t on your keyboard.
07. – a better search engine for twitter.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Free Online Virus Scan

Here Are Some Free Online Virus Scanner. Enjoy.
1. Kaspersky
2. eSet
3. F-Secure
4. Bit Defender

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

iPhone Jailbreaking-Save 1000/- to 2000/-

Jailbreaking is a term that arouses immense curiosity among the iFans. Vexed of spending 1000/- to 2000/- to get your iPhone jailbreak when it is bought from some states?? If so, you are at the right place. So, let us start our voyage with a short prolegomenon to the iPhone.
Apple, a name that needs no introduction and iPhone ,a smartphone line of unmatched quality and awesome app experience, with its first launch in USA in 2007 and never looked back.

Porn sites Spams unleashed!!!!

Awaiting??? Here it is (A very small small small small small article from my book)

-Porn sites spam unleashed!!

Windows 8 DEP Bypass

What we need , a target application, a vulnerability, and a debugger, and though notepad + calc also.

So we have Windows 8 : Developer's Preview Edition

Firefox : 3.6.16

Java (JRE) : 6u29

So what is the difference in windows7 and windows8 exploitation.

To achieve code execution in win7 we just need a ROP chain to execute the VirtualProtect and then execute the shellcode.

Trick for Bloggers

How to remove blogger task pane from blog top ?

Actual blogger has a task pane at the top,its actually useful but sometimes it makes some irritation.So

 Now lets 

Remove navbar
Login to your to your Blogger account.
Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.
Back up your template.
Look for ]]> inside the code window. Add the code below right before that line:
view sourceprint?

Gift pdf's to ur blog visitors

Creating download as pdf button in your blog :

I am here by suggesting a easy technique for creating a download button below each of your blog article. In this way, if the article is good enough, readers can directly download the articles with a click.

Use webcam without having webcam

Please guys don’t think that im speaking rubbish and I went mad,im fine now and what im speaking is absolutely true. Did you ever dream that a guy could fool you through a webcam by disguising as a girl??
Guys ,you need not dress up as a girl to fool others. We have a simpler alternative for you.
 Just get this piece of software

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

CVV numbers

CVVs, CVV2s, CVCs, and Indent CVCs are 3-digit Card Verification Values or Card Verification Codes that are all calculated using the same CVV algorithm. These values are required by payment systems such as Visa and MasterCard to authenticate their credit or debit cards. Different names are used to refer to the values depending on the particular payment system, the location of the value on the card, and the parameters passed to the CVV algorithm.
To calculate a 3-digit CVV, the CVV

Luhn formula

A credit card number must be from 13 to 16 digits long. The last digit of the number is the check digit. That number is calculated from an algorithm (called the Luhn formula or MOD 10) on the other numbers. This is to spot typos when a user enters a number, and I assume was to allow detecting an error reading the magnetic stripe when a card is swiped.
The MOD 10 check does not offer security, it offers error detection. Think of it as fullfilling the same role as a CRC in software.
To calculate the check digit:

First drop the last digit from the card number (because that’s what we are trying to calculate)

Credit card numbers

Credit card numbers that conform to the Luhn formula (MOD 10 check). Usefull for testing e-commerce sites (because they should get past any pre-validation you do, and be declined at the card processor or bank stage).
In testing situations any expiry date within the next 3 years should work.

These are NOT valid credit card numbers. You can’t buy anything with these. They are random numbers that happen to conform to the MOD 10 algorithm. They are a technical resource for programmers – that’s all.

Fake Credit Card Generator

If you just need a bunch of numbers use the online credit card number generator. That page is generated by an online version of this script. The program here will only be useful to you if you know what one of Python, Java, C#, PHP or Javascript are, and how to run a program in one of them. Command line Python program, Java program, C# program, PHP script, and Javascript script to generate valid (MOD 10) credit card numbers. Useful for testing e-commerce sites. (Note: You can’t actually buy anything with these). Should run on any platform.

This generates 13 and 16 digit VISA, Mastercard, Amex, and a whole bunch of others.



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