Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Trick for Bloggers

How to remove blogger task pane from blog top ?

Actual blogger has a task pane at the top,its actually useful but sometimes it makes some irritation.So

 Now lets 

Remove navbar
Login to your to your Blogger account.
Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.
Back up your template.
Look for ]]> inside the code window. Add the code below right before that line:
view sourceprint?
/* Hide Navigation Bar */
#navbar { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none; }
/* */
if you are using Blogger classic template, replace #navbar with #navbar-iframe.
Click Preview. If the bar is gone then click Save Template button.
That’s all, done!
For those who sign-in using the navbar, now that it’s gone (hidden actually), you might wonder how do you sign in after this? Answer, just go to, sign-in from there, if you’ve already signed in it will transfer you direct to Dashboard.

Restore navbar
If your template doesn’t come with the navbar in the first place, and you want it restored, just search (use Ctrl+F) for #navbar or #navbar-iframe in your template code. You should find similar code with the one in step 4.
To get your navbar back, just delete the code.

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